Romeo Vitelli
Romeo Vitelli
Received his doctorate in Psychology in 1987, spent fifteen years as a staff psychologist in Millbrook Correctional Centre. In 2003 went into full-time private practice. Learn about our editorial process.

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Can COVID Cause Insomnia?
The COVID pandemic has found a way to wreak havoc on the world in just about every way. Not to mention the astronomical impact it has had on human health, both physical and mental. One of the most prominent issues COVID has caused, besides mortal sickness, is problems with sleep. But is insomnia a symptom of ...
New Mothers’ Sleep Loss Linked to Accelerated Aging
Sleep deprivation is a real issue among new mothers, and as it turns out, it can negatively affect your overall health and biological age too. A recent study concluded that sleep loss among new mothers has the potential to add up to seven years onto their biological age. Not only does it add years to your ...
Chocolate Before Bed: Should You Eat It or Will It Give You Nightmares?
A large percentage of the world's population enjoys eating chocolate — and, in most cases, they always crave for more once they started. If you enjoy consuming chocolate, you can be sure you’re not alone, and there are many chocolate lovers spread across the globe.  Chocolate as we know it is relatively new, having ...
Sugar Makes Me Sleepy and Here’s Why!
Today, virtually everything you eat contains sugar. They range from all the chocolates and sweets to packaged and processed foods, soda, candy, cakes, fruit drinks, and lots more. Everything contains varying levels of sugar, which are not without their detriments to human health. Nonetheless, many people still ...
Drinking Apple Juice Before Bed: Should You Do It?
Apple juice, only ever second best to orange juices in popularity worldwide. Whether homemade or store-bought, it remains a favorite of both young and old alike. Not to be confused with apple cider, though, which, as the name implies, comes from the same source. One can often tell the difference by their properties – ...
Do Pistachios Help You Sleep? Secrets Behind the Nuts!
Pistachios have come a long way over the centuries. From humble beginnings traced as far back as millennia before Christ's era in Asia, it is now a common sight in American and European homes, enjoyed as a tasty snack or used as an ingredient in baking and cooking. The nuts come from the pistachio tree (Pistacia ...
What Herbs Are Good for Sleep? Natural Way to Get a Better Night’s Rest
Good sleep, a balanced diet, and adequate exercise are the three most essential things required for the optimal functioning of the human body. An absence of one or more of these creates an imbalance in the body system, leading to tiredness and, in return, crankiness. However, before turning to drugs, you could ...
Does Chamomile Tea Make You Sleepy?
Chamomile tea is a herbal tea made from the dried flowers and buds of the Chamomile plant. Chamomile tea dates back to the Egyptian and Romanian eras. It is used as a natural remedy for many illnesses. While there are different types of chamomile, only two are commonly used for tea today:
Is Eating a Banana Before Bed a Healthy Habit?
For some people, it’s just tough to fall asleep or stay asleep. At the same time, some people have a problem with both – falling asleep and staying asleep, termed as insomnia. Insomnia is a common sleep disorder characterized by the ...
How Drinking Soda Before Bed Affects Your Sleep?
We all have one or two habits we do before bed; drinking soda before bed is a perfect example. Research indicates that one in two American adults suffering from heartburn may want to drink soda hours before bedtime. Soda contains caffeine and a lot of sugar which may affect the ability to sleep. According to