Romeo Vitelli
Romeo Vitelli
Received his doctorate in Psychology in 1987, spent fifteen years as a staff psychologist in Millbrook Correctional Centre. In 2003 went into full-time private practice. Learn about our editorial process.

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How to Sleep After Meniscus Surgery? Useful Tips and Tricks!
Getting a good night’s sleep can often be challenging. Trying to get a good night’s sleep with an injury or even after surgery adds to the challenge of getting restful sleep. This is especially the case when the type of surgery affects your normal sleeping position. Suddenly being forced to sleep in a different or ...
Fortnite Bedroom Ideas: Tips and Tricks for Parents
Where does a child spend most of their time in the home? The living room because of the television, the dining room because of food, and maybe outside to play. But we are sure that we are speaking for everyone when we say they spend a lot of time in their bedroom. Either sleeping, playing with toys, playing video ...
10 Best Bunk Beds – Perfect for Both Kids and Adults
Bunk beds come in a variety of shapes, styles, and sizes, making them an extremely versatile option for your child’s bedroom. When looking for models for our list, we first considered the size of the mattress that can fit on the bed. This will help you to determine how much space your children will have while they ...
8 Best Triple Bunk Beds: Most Convenient Space-Saving Solution!
Are our triple bunk beds good? This is the first question that most people ask before buying any of the alternatives in the market. Triple bunk beds have an assortment of benefits, especially for large families. Bunk beds are gradually becoming popular because they offer maximum bed space while taking up less space. ...
7 Best Toddler Beds That Promise Heavenly Sleep to Your Little One
When it comes to sleep, no one needs it more than children who are in their growing stage. Having proper sleep is extremely important for toddlers, which is why you need to have a toddler bed. Toddler beds are transitional beds that help you move your child from a crib to a bed. These beds usually have lower heights ...
When Can Baby Sleep With Blanket? All of the Options to Consider!
Babies are cute little bundles of joy, but when it comes to rules and recommendations about raising them, there are so many that it can make your head spin. One of the biggest debates is when a baby can sleep with a blanket? Past generations and perhaps your own baby photos show cribs decorated with blankets, pillows, ...
Hypnic Jerk: What Is It and Should You Be Worried About It?
Falling asleep causes a number of different changes in your body. Your heartbeat slows down, your muscles start relaxing, and your breathing is different. This transition to sleep is commonly referred to as the hypnagogic period. During this period, your body could experience twitching and sometimes muscle ...
How Can PEMF Help to Manage Insomnia?
Tired of consuming pills to have adequate sleep? Consuming sleeping pills for a prolonged duration is not safe. It’s high time to look for a safe alternative to manage insomnia that has no side effects. This is where PEMF therapy helps. Let’s ...
Apple Cider Vinegar Before Bed: Benefits and Possible Side Effects
For a long time, apple cider vinegar has been used as an essential part of any homemade pastry and as a staple in holistic medicine. This kitchen staple does have some impressive health benefits, especially when consumed before bed. So, what is apple cider vinegar and which advantages might it bring to your health? ...
15 Yoga Poses for Sleep: Easy and Effective
Did you know that carrying out specific body stretches and deep breathing exercises can help you sleep better at night? If you struggle with sleeping well at night, yoga may enhance the quality of your sleep. Researchers from a review study discovered ...